Author Guidelines


The title of the manuscript is relevant to the focus and scope of Jurnal Abdi Hukum Masyarakat, namely as a media of publication of community service activities in law and social sciences in the form of applying legal science with the support of science and technology to improve community empowerment. The title should be straightforward and informative



The full name is written without using a title.

Example of affiliate writing: Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Balikpapan, Indonesia.



Only enter the email address of the correspondent author.



Abstracts are written in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Abstract writing using Arial (Body CS) typeface, size 11 pt, italic, space 1, maximum 250 words, and must not exceed 1 paragraph. The abstract contains at least : the background or importance of the topic of community service, the purpose of community service, partner service, methods of community service, and the results of community service.  The abstract should explain about what, why, how, what is found, and what it means. The abstract ends with a comment about the importance of community service result.



Keywords are written in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Keyword writing uses times Arial (Body CS) typeface, size 11 pt, and italic. Keywords consist of 3 – 5 words / phrases and must be separated by semicolons ( ; ).


  1. Introduction

The introduction explains problems in law and other social sciences fields that occur in a community and the solutions through community service activities. The introduction should explain issues related to the problem resolved, a study of research and or community service activities that have been done before by other devotees or servicers themselves relevant to the theme of community activities. In the introduction, there should be excerpts from different research/service results that strengthen the importance of community service activities. The introduction closes with the purpose of services

  1. Method of Services 

The method describes the ways that are used to resolve the problem.

Examples of methods:

  1. Education in the field of law for the community, e.g., counseling aimed at improving understanding and awareness
  2. Diffusion of Science, for example, activities that produce products for the target group, such as producing brands/patents for local products of the community.
  3. Training, for example, activities accompanied by demonstrations or pilots to produce specific skills, such as rules-making skills or agreements.
  4. Mediation, for example, activities that show the executor of community service as a mediator in solving problems that exist in the community.
  5. Advocacy, e.g., activities in the form of mentoring to target groups
  1. Results And Discussion


The results of services consist of quantitative and qualitative results of the activities carried out. A table /chart /image contains exposure to results that are already meaningful and quickly easy to understand the meaning. Tables / charts / images do not contain raw data that can or should still be processed. All tables and images written in the manuscript must be adjusted in the order of 1 column or the full size of one paper to make it easier for reviewers to observe the image's meaning.

Discussion of the services' results, associated with previous studies/services, critically analyzed and associated with the latest relevant literature.

Example of numbering format in the Results and Discussion section

  1. Results and Discussion

3.1. Government Regulation of Website Monitoring Authority

3.1.1. ............

3.1.2. ............

3.2. Website Management: Freedom of Speech vs. Defamation

3.2.1. ...........

3.2.2. ..........

and so on.

  1. Conclusion

Conclusions are made concisely, clearly, and solidly based on results and discussions and are made in the form of paragraphs (not numerical). The conclusion section contains the essence of the study and at the same time is also the answer to the problem studied in the article. In connection with this, the writing of conclusions must be adjusted to the order of the issues explored and relevant to the research's purpose. In the Conclusion section, there should be no new discussions or comments from the author. In conclusion, if there are any recommendations, they can be listed. Example of numbering format in the conclusion section

  1. Acknowledgments

Express your gratitude to those who have contributed to the service, especially those or institutions that fund the dedication, including those who individually assist in improving article writing, such as Advisors, Funding Institutions, Proof-readers, or other parties who are considered to have contributed.

  1. References

References in research articles and conceptual ideas contain all references used in the study. References used in writing are sourced from publications and publications of the last 10 (ten) years.

The composition of reference lists / bibliography is highly recommended maximizing the use of primary sources (60%), namely national journals, international journals, thesis, dissertations, and proceeding conferences both national and international, and other sources (40%) books or other reference sources. Each submitted article uses at least 16 (sixteen) references by maximizing the primary source, and references are used as citations written in the Bibliography and arranged alphabetically by the author.

Jurnal Abdi Hukum Masyarakat uses the Chicago citation model. It is recommended for authors to use the standard citation applications such as Mendeley, EndNote and Zotero.


Example of References :

Angga, La Ode, Barzah Latupono, Muchtar Anshary Hamid Labetubun, and Sabri Fataruba. “Effectiveness of Law Number 41 the Year 1999 in the Case of Illegal Logging in Maluku Province.” Cepalo 3, no. 2 (2019): 141–52.

Berlianty, Teng. Hukum Organisasi Perusahaan. Sidoarjo: Zifatama Jawara, 2019.

Latupono, Barzah, La Ode Angga, Muchtar Anshary Hamid Labetubun, and Sabri Fataruba. Buku Ajar Hukum Islam. Yogyakarta: Deepublish, 2019.

Marzuki, Peter Mahmud. Penelitian Hukum,. Jakarta: Kencana, 2007. “Pabrik Teh Pekerjakan Lebih Dari 50 Anak Di Bawah Umur.”, 2010.



Jurnal Abdi Hukum Masyarakat uses a footnote model to write down sources cited by the author. Book Antiqua size 9


Exampe of Footnote:

Teng Berlianty, Hukum Organisasi Perusahaan (Sidoarjo: Zifatama Jawara, 2019), h. 1.

La Ode Angga et al., “Effectiveness of Law Number 41 the Year 1999 in the Case of Illegal Logging in Maluku Province,” Cepalo 3, no. 2 (2019): 141–52,, h. 2..

Peter Mahmud Marzuki, Penelitian Hukum, (Jakarta: Kencana, 2007),, h. 56.

Barzah Latupono et al., Buku Ajar Hukum Islam (Yogyakarta: Deepublish, 2019), h. 2., “Pabrik Teh Pekerjakan Lebih Dari 50 Anak Di Bawah Umur,”, 2010,